El look de hoy, fue de tarde-noche, pantalón encerado con un poco de licra, blusa con un poco de volante en la cintura denominada ( peplum ) y unos dibujos en el mismo tejido, imitando un damasco, unos complementos a destacar, el turbante,( pieza que me encanta) pulseras con charme, echas a mano hand made y bolso con tachuelas......
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Hi good morning!! finally, taking another look, took a few days of events I could not prepare anything, but I come with batteries charged, to be showing all week.
The look of today, was early evening, waxed trousers with a bit of lycra blouse with a little wheel on the waist called (peplum) and some drawings in the same tissue, mimicking an apricot, some accessories to highlight the turban, (part I love) charm bracelets, miss hand made and hand bag studded ......
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